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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The accused was aged 38 years at the time of the commission of the offence. The deceased who was employed as a maid by the accused was aged 50 years at the time of her demise. The accused appears in this court facing a charge of murder in contravention section 47 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). It being alleged that on 11th February 2018 and at house number 284 Emganwini West, Bulawayo, the accused attacked the deceased with a plank several times all over her body intending to cause her death or realising... More

The accused person faces a charge of murder it being alleged that on the 8th of August 2020 at Golide Homestead Village 3, Springs Farm, Bulawayo he unlawfully caused the death of NokwandaDube by hitting her several timeswith a black piece of hosepipe all over her body. The accused denies the charge but tendered a lenient plea of culpable. The following exhibits were tendered into the court record and they were all duly marked. More

The accused faces a charge of murder, it being alleged that on the 28th of August 2017 and at or near Village Germany in Mberengwa he unlawfully caused the death of Malambani Makando by hitting him with a stick all over the body several times. The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge but tendered a limited plea to the charge of culpable homicide. The state counsel accepted the limited plea. The parties drew a statement of agreed facts which was tendered and marked exhibit 1. More

This matter has been referred for sentence in terms of section 54(2) of the Magistrates’ Court Act (Chapter 7:10). The accused was arraigned before a Provincial Magistrate sitting at Gweru on allegations of contravening section 60(3)(A) (a) of the Electricity Act (Chapter 13:05). The provision criminalises the cutting, damaging, destruction or interference with any apparatus for generating, transmitting, distributing or supplying electricity. It was alleged by the state that on the night of 3rd of April 2017 the accused was apprehended after he had been seen by state witness cutting down electricity transmission cables belonging to the National Railways of... More

These four matters were dealt with in separate trials by the same Bulawayo magistrate. The matters raise a similar issue, as will appear below. These four accused persons, in different records were convicted and sentenced by a Bulawayo magistrate for various crimes. In respect of Isheunopa Sibanda, the allegations were that: on the 15 March 2020, at Broadwell Farm, in Umguza-, the accused unlawfully hunted an Eland in contravention of section 59(1) (a) of the Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14], and he was sentenced to a fine of $2000, in default of payment, 3 months’ imprisonment. In addition, 3... More