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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
TAKUVA J: After hearing the parties on 8 July 2019, the court made the following pronouncement: “The appeal be and is hereby dismissed with costs.” Subsequently, counsel for the appellant filed a request for full reasons for our decision. Hereunder are the full reasons. This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the Magistrates Court granted in favour of the respondent. More

Applicant is the son of Tapson Ndlovu (Tapson) and Maria Ndlpovu (nee Tapera). Maria Ndlovu obtained a decree of divorce and ancillary relief against Tapson Ndlovu by order of this court in HC 788/17. This order was ganted on the 27th of July 2017 and per clause 4(1), the names of Trvor Ndlovu and Talent Ndlovu. Meanwhile and unknown to applicant, 1st to 31st respondents who are members of a burial society obtained judgment against Tapson on the 11th of May 2017. This judgment was obtained on default of appearance of Tapson. The order directed Tapson to pay the sum... More

The applicant is a Sergeant in the Zimbabwe Republic Police. He is based at Beitbridge. He is facing allegations of theft of a motor vehicle as defined in section 113 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23). Applicant denies the charge. He has approached this court seeking bail pending trial. The state is opposed to the application. More

This is an urgent application. This application was filed on the 6 August 2020, when this court was on vacation. On the 7th August 2020, the duty Judge then, endorsed that the matter could not be set-set down for hearing due to lack of time. It was then rolled over to the next duty Judge. On the 21 August 2020, the next duty judge endorsed that the respondent was not in attendance. She was admitted in hospital with the baby, the matter was again rolled over to the next duty Judge. On the 24 August 2020, when I started my... More

1. This urgent application was placed before me on the 13 May 2022. After considering it, I ruled that the matter was not urgent and I removed it from the roll of urgent matters. On the 19 May 2022, applicants addressed a letter to the Registrar of this court asking to be furnished with reasons for my ruling. Applicants’ letter was brought to my attention on the 27 May 2022. These are the reasons. More