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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 21 September 2017, the applicant appeared before the first respondent facing allegations of failing to comply with a disclosure order issued by the Director of Financial Intelligence Unit of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe in violation of section 18 (3) as read with section 11 and 13 of the Bank Use Promotion Act [Chapter 24:24]. Basically, the allegations were that the applicant had failed to submit certain returns to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe from the 25th of June 2016 to 13 June 2017. In its defence to the charge the applicant took the position that it was complying... More

This is an application wherein the following interim relief is sought “1. Applicant be and is hereby declared to be the President of 9th respondent. 2. 1st -8th respondents be and are hereby interdicted from holding themselves out as members and/or offices of the 9th respondent. 3. 1st -6th and 8th respondents be and are hereby interdicted from holding themselves out as and performing functions of acting president, trustee, General Secretary, National organizing secretary, National Youth Chairperson, National Women’s’ Committee Chairperson and Chairperson Harare Branch of 9th respondent respectively. 4. 1st- 8th respondent be and are hereby interdicted from implementing... More

TAKUVA J: This is an application for summary judgment in favour of the applicants and against the respondents in the following terms: “1. The 2nd and 3rd respondents and all those claiming occupation through them be and are hereby ordered to vacate the property known as subdivision H of Lot 11 of Montegomery situate in the District of Bulawayo also known as number 11Seynor Road, Montgomery, Bulawayo. 2. The 2nd and 3rd respondents beand are hereby ordered to pay holdover damages in the sum of US$300,00 permonth with effect from 1 December 2018 to date of ejectment from the property.... More

This is a court application for leave to execute pending appeal. The order sought is in the following terms:- “1. The applicants be and are hereby granted leave to execute the judgment of this court granted on 14th July 2022 for the ejectment of 1st and 2nd respondents and all those claiming ownership through them from number 11 Seymour Road, Montgomery, Bulawayo, pending the hearing and determination of the appeal filed under case number SCB 77-22. 2. The respondents shall pay the costs of suit on an attorney and client scale.” The application is opposed by the respondents who argue... More

Applicant filed this application seeking the following interim relief:- More