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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court

On 1 September 2016 plaintiff issued summons against defendant claiming; (a) Payment of the sum of US$15 815,04 which is the outstanding balance in respect of monies lent and advanced at defendant’s special instance and request together with interest as at 31 July 2016. (b) Interest thereon at the rate of 15% per annum from 1 August 2016 to date of full and final payment. (c) An order that the mortgaged property being stand 6399 Kwekwe Township of stand 2274 Que Que Township in extent of 4 000 square metres registered in the names of the defendant declared executable; and... More

Plaintiff issued summons on 12 November 2015 against 1st and 2nd defendants for : “(a) An order declaring the verbal agreement of sale entered into between plaintiff and her late husband Richard Roberts on one hand and Lindy Gunn on the other in March 2004 regarding stand number 41 Hillside South Township 3 of Subdivision 5W of Matsheumhlope also known as 4 Clocolan Road, Burnside, Bulawayo binding on 1st and 2nd defendants for all intents and purposes. (b) An order that 2nd defendant signs all papers that need to be signed in any public office, be it City of Bulawayo,... More

The applicant is a Zimbabwean citizen who also holds a Canadian passport and is a Canadian citizen. She therefore enjoys dual citizenship. On her visit to Zimbabwe she uses the Canadian passport and is subjected to visitor entry procedures which entail the endorsement of a visitors’ entry certificate for which a fee of US$75 is payable. Such endorsement allows the applicant a 30 day stay in Zimbabwe. At the lapse of such period the applicant has to seek an extension should she desire to remain in Zimbabwe. The extension entitles her to a total 60 days’ stay without payment. In... More

The applicants are facing eleven counts of robbery as defined in section 126 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23), one count of money laundering in violation of section 8 (1) (a) (b) of the Money Laundering and Proceeds Crime Act (Chapter 9:24) and one count of contravening section 4 of the Firearms Act (Chapter 10:09). Applicants deny any involvement in the commission of the offences. They claim that they have been wrongly implicated in these charges. More