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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
In this court application, applicant seeks the eviction of 1st respondent and all those claiming the right of occupation through her from House No. 23/12 Mbizo, Kwekwe (property), and costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale. The application is opposed by the 1st respondent. The background to this matter is that, on the 16 November 2006, applicant entered into an agreement of sale with one Jaison Kamutatu (now late). The subject matter of the agreement was House No. 23/12 Mbizo, Kwekwe. The property was transferred into the name of the applicant on the 5th January 2007. Jaison... More

This is an election petition presented in terms of the provisions of Part XXIII of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13] (“the Act”). On 23 August 2023 Zimbabwe held general elections for the election of the President, members of the National Assembly and Councilors. The challenged election relates to the member of the National Assembly for Nkayi North Constituency in Matabeleland North Province (“the Nkayi North Constituency”). The election result of this Constituency was announced on 24 August 2024. More

TAKUVA J: In this matter plaintiff issued summons against defendant claiming for an order as follows: (a) A decree of divorce; (b) An order that plaintiff be awarded stand number 369 Beeston Road, The Grange, Harare; (c) An order that each party keeps as his or her sole property all movable property as may be in their possession on the date of issuing summons; (d) An order that each party bears its own costs. More

This application was filed on 1st September 2020 by Eunice Jeyacheya. Eunice subsequently died on 1st August 2021 as per the death certificate filed of record. Chiratidzo Lorraine Jeyacheya was then appointed Executrix Dative as per Letters of Administration also filed of record and in that capacity sought to be substituted as the applicant and was so substituted in terms of Rule 32 (9) of SI 202/2021. More

After hearing the parties I delivered an ex-tempore judgment and dismissed the application for bail pending trial. I have not been asked for written reasons but decided to give such reasons that notwithstanding. The applicant is facing a murder charge, it being alleged that sometime during the period extending from end of November to 13th December 2020, the applicant, in the company of four others confronted the deceased who was on his way from Botswana using an undesignated point of entry, and accused him of being one of the robbers operating along the Zimbabwe-Botswana border. They proceeded to assault him... More