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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
KABASA J: On 1st September 2016 the plaintiff entered into three agreements with the defendant. The first agreement related to the sale of the plaintiff’s property, whose full description is stand 8140 Victoria Falls Township of Victoria Falls Township Lands. This property is held under title deed number 1816/2014. The second agreement related to a deed of cession and assignment of stand 1537 Victoria Falls Township measuring 5, 195m2, which stand had been offered to the plaintiff by virtue of his position as Town Clerk of the Victoria Falls Town Council. The third agreement related to the construction of town... More

This is an application for summary judgment for the eviction of the respondent and any other person claiming occupation or use through him, together with their goods, possessions and chatels from the premises known as sub-division 4 of “Fresnaye” situate in the District of Umzingwane, also known as plot 4 Worringham, Umguza being an immovable property that the applicants own and that the respondent occupied at the applicants’ benevolence which benevolence defendant has spurned. More

This is an application for bail pending trial. The accused persons are facing murder allegations in contravention of section 47 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23). The applicants deny the allegations. The brief allegations are that on 5th November 2020 around 0300 hours at Gwanda, applicants acting in common purpose assaulted the deceased, Prince Mkhululi Moyo, aged 22 years, several times on the head and shoulder, stabbed him once on the head, under the ear, once on the back and seven times on the right leg. The deceased succumbed from injuries sustained in the assault.... More

The brief facts of the matter are that on the 11th of June 2022 and at around 1630 hours the complainant was at a traffic enforcement roadblock at the corner of Cecil Avenue and Harare road, Bulawayo. The accused person was driving a Toyota Rejius motor vehicle, registration number ACW 2468. He was stopped at the road block and ordered to pull over to the side of the road. Accused’s motor vehicle was checked. He was advised that he was carrying passengers using a non-public service vehicle and that he would be escorted to the Zimbabwe Republic Police Station at... More

1. This is a court application. In this application the applicant seeks an order couched as follows. More