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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an urgent application wherein the applicant seeks the following interim relief: “Pending the determination of this matter, the applicant is granted the following relief: That the 1st, 2nd and 3rd respondents and all persons claiming through them be and are hereby interdicted from interfering with the applicant’s occupation and use of the mining claims being: 1. Antelope 1 Mine held under registration number 19143. 2. Antelope 2 Mine held under registration number 19050. 3. Antelope 3 Mine held under registration number 19051.” The facts of this matter are that the 2 parties herein entered into an option agreement... More

This is a court application with the title “court application to compel.” In the main, applicant is seeking the following relief: that 1st respondent (council) be directed to comply with the directive of the 2nd respondent (Minister) issued in the Minute titled “Local Authorities Circular No 1 of 201” and transfer to the applicant stand 1563 Que Que Township, known as 31 Josiah Tongogara Avenue, Newtown Kwe kwe (property). In the alternative, that 1st respondent be directed to cause the property to be valued and thereafter to make a written offer to the applicant to purchase the said property at... More

MAKONESE J: This is an application for summary judgment. It is premised on a summons for eviction. The application is opposed. Factual Background On 9 June 2017 the applicant and respondent entered into a commercial lease agreement in respect of stand 80 Simon Mazorodze Road, Harare (the property). In terms of clause 1.4 of the agreement the parties agreed that there would be a rent review annually. In September 2019 a dispute arose between the parties with respondent demanding to negotiate and to have access to the agreements in relation to the review between the primary landlord and the applicant.... More

Applicant filed an application with this court seeking an order compelling 1st respondent to schedulle or to cause to be schedulled an arbitration hearing of a labour dispute between her and the 2nd respondent so as to “advance” the matter in terms of the Labour ct (Chapter 28:01). The brief history of the matter is that the applicant was employed by the African Sun Limited group of hotels. She was stationed at the Elephant Hills Hotel at Victoria Falls. At the relevant time, she states that she was a Deputy General Manager at the Elephant Hills Resort. Sometime in 2010... More

The applicant in this matter is seeking a review of the decision of a Single Trial Officer on the grounds that: 1. The 1st respondent decided to proceed with the matter where he had no jurisdiction to do so in view of the fact that the applicant had already been charged over the same matter in terms of the ordinary law. The relief sought is that: 1. The trial proceedings conducted by the 1st respondent against the applicant be and are hereby set aside. 2. The prosecution of the applicant in terms of the Police Act be and is hereby... More