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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The dispute relates to a contract of employment wherein respondents allege breach of a contract of employment by failing to pay wages and salaries. Matter was taken to an arbitrator who granted an award on 23rd October 2012. For some unknown reason the award was quantified in November 2015. The matter had been heard in January 2012. Therefore, the cause of action was complete in January 2012 when the respondents were fully aware of the facts constituting their cause of action. More

The applicants herein filed a court application and sought the following relief, that; (a) It be declared that the election of 1st respondent as councilor for ward 3 in Bulawayo was in contravention of section 119 (2) (e) of the Electoral Act, Chapter 2:13 following his conviction of theft at the Bulawayo Magistrates’ Court under criminal record book number 1981/18 on the 27th of June 2018 and is therefore set aside on account of being null and void. (b) Consequently, the election of 1st respondent as 2nd respondent’s Deputy Mayor be set aside. (c) Costs of suit at an attorney... More

Applicant filed an urgent chamber applicaion which was opposed. On 20 December 2018, my brother TAKUVA J heard the matter and granted the interim relief sought therein. The matter now comes to me for confirmation of the provisional order. The applicant seeks confirmation for a final order in the following terms, that More

This is an appeal against the refusal by the court a quo to grant the appellant bail pending trial. The background facts are these: - The appellant is an Egyptian national. On 12th November 2021 he came to Zimbabwe on a visa which was due to expire on 12th December 2021. He did not leave the country when the visa expired but stayed on until 7th March 2022 when he was arrested by Immigration officials at number 19 Barring Drive Barham Green where he was staying with his wife, who is Zimbabwean. More

This court application for review was filed on the 19th January 2018. The parties appeared before me on the 19th November 2018 and argued the matter. After hearing argument I dismissed the application with costs. More