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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
MOYO J: This is a court application for a declaratur seeking an order as follows:- 1) The respective mutual separation agreements signed on 10 July 2020 by the applicants on the one side and the respondent on the other side, be and are hereby declared null and void and unenforceable. 2. That 1st and 2nd applicants be and are hereby reinstated into the employment of the respondent forthwith with full benefits and without any loss of benefits and or any other emoluments and entitlements otherwise due to them had their employment not been terminated on 10 July 2020. 3) That... More

The applicant appeared before a magistrate sitting at Bulawayo on the 29th of June 2022 facing allegations of contravening section 49 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23), culpable homicide. Applicant pleaded not guilty. He was convicted pursuant to a full trial. He was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment. Dissatisfied with the sentence the applicant filed a notice of appeal against sentence only with this court. More

On 25th July 2021,one Nkululeko Sibanda smuggled large quantities of an assortment of goods from Botswana into Zimbabwe. The smuggled goods ranged from television sets, radio sets, shoes and solar batteries. Nkululeko was, at the relevant time, driving a Mercedes Benz registration number AFB 6413 belonging to the applicant. Applicant’s motor vehicle was intercepted by police officers from Plumtree, upon entering the country through an undesignated entry point, being a boundary fence that had been cut open for that purpose. The truck was found to have ferried uncustomed goods through the undesignated entry point. The goods and truck were seized... More

DUBE-BANDA J: This application was set-down during vacation, i.e. on the Motion Court for the 17 December 2020. When this matter was called, Mr Moyo, counsel for the applicant rose and made a submission that the papers were in order, and he prayed for an order in terms of the draft order. Mr Mazibiko, stood up and said he was representing the 1st respondent. I noted that 1st respondent was not served with the notice of set-down, Mr Mazibuko might have only become aware of the application because the matter was called out in his presence in the Motion Court.... More

The two applicants seek bail pending trial. They face numerous counts of attempted murder, robbery, assault, theft and malicious damage to property. In respect of some counts they are jointly charged while in others they appear individually. More