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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is yet another crime arising from endless disputes over ownership of mines. The applicant owns a mine known as Cake Walk 8 while D & S Syndicate own and operate Cake Walk 2 Mine. The two mines are separated by a fifty (50) metre stretch of no man’s land. There was a dispute between D & S Syndicate and applicant over ownership of Cake Walk 2 Mine. It is common cause that Cake Walk 2 Mine was invaded by a mob armed with axes, pick handles and crow bars. The mob was in a combative mood shouting words to... More

The applicant’s discharge came about following an incident which occurred whilst he was performing his duties. The applicant was fixing a police vehicle when brake fluid spilt into his right eye. The damage caused could not be reversed resulting in the applicant losing sight in that eye. March 2015 and the applicant was found to be fit for full duty. Challenges experienced in the discharge of his duties led to a second board which was convened on 14th February 2019. The Medical Board noted that the applicant had right eye blindness with no light perception. He was experiencing pain and... More

The appellant was charged and convicted of one count of rape by the Regional Court sitting at Beitbridge Magistrates’ Court on 5 June 2015. The conviction came against the appellant’s plea of not guilty. Upon conviction the appellant was sentenced to ten years imprisonment of which three years were suspended on the usual good conditions. The appellant appealed against both conviction and sentence challenging mainly the evidence of identification relied upon by the court a quo in identifying him as the assailant. The appellant’s elaborate grounds of appeal were given as follows; More

Applicant has filed this application for rescission of judgment seeking to rescind an order granted by this court on 2 March 2020 under HC 138/20 which order was to the effect of appointing 1st respondent as a curator bonis of the applicant’s estate. Applicant alleges that on 21 January 2020 1st respondent sought an order through an ex parte application to the effect that applicant was of poor health and therefore was mentally incapacitated and could not control her life and decisions. 1st respondent was then granted such an order ex parte. More

This is an application wherein the applicant seeks an order for reinstatement by his employer. The application is somewhat confusing in that on one hand it is presented as an application where the relief of mandamus is being sought and yet on the other hand it presents itself as an application for the registration of an arbitral award. The matter has a very long history dating back to 2011. The brief facts are that applicant was employed by the respondent. He was later dismissed after having been convicted of misconduct. An arbitrator who entertained the matter reinstated him to his... More