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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The parties in this matter happen to be workmates and neighbours at a vending market place. According to the pre-trial conference minute as well as the opening addresses by counsel, there is one issue to be decided. Ms Busayi for the plaintiff addressed the court that plaintiff would lead evidence regarding the damages that he suffered as a result of an accident negligently caused by the defendant. She saidthese included future medical expenses as well as damages for pain and suffering loss of earning capacity and loss of amenities of life Mr Mlalazi for the defendant stated that defendant will... More

This is an application titled; “Urgent Chamber Application for stay of Execution.” – wherein the applicants sought the following relief that; 4. “The execution of the Provisional Order obtained by the 1st, 2nd and 3rd respondents under case number HC 2974/18 be and is hereby stayed.” On the confirmation date the applicants sought the following order that; 1. ‘The interim relief granted be and is hereby confirmed as final. 2. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd respondents be and are hereby permanently interdicted from executing on the Provisional Order under HC 2974/18 pending the finalization of the proceedings under HC 980/18... More

On 21st July 2017 the plaintiff bought a freightliner truck horse registration number ADS 1496 from the defendant and an agreement of sale was concluded between the parties. The agreement was reduced to writing. About a year later, on 17th July 2018 the plaintiff again bought a triaxle semi-trailer registration number ADS 9648 from the defendant and the agreement of sale was also reduced to writing. With any acquisition of valuable assets which involve the transfer of ownership, such transfer marks the conclusion of the buyer – seller relationship, with each one discharging their respective obligations. More

DUBE-BANDA J: The applicant seeks leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against the judgment of this court handed down on 5th January2021. The grounds upon which leave to appeal is sought, are listed extensively in the application and will therefore not be repeated herein. The main contentions of the applicant are that: 1. The court erred and misdirected itself in denying the applicant bail pending appeal; 2. The court also erred in holding that there were no prospects of success when there were such prospects of success on both conviction and sentence. 3. The court further erred in denying... More

The 1st appellant was the Resident Minister for Midlands whilst the 2nd appellant is the Midlands Provincial Planning Officer. In 2012 the two decided to acquire stands illegally from Gokwe Town Council. Acting under the guise of pursuing the National Housing Delivery Programme they called for an informal meeting with Gokwe Town Council officials and requested for stands which they said were to be allocated to civil servants. The council did not have such stands whereupon the two agreed that the 2nd appellant prepare a layout plan for an area named Mapfungautsi Extension. The plan was then sent to the... More