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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This matter was set down in motion court on the 26th January 2023 as an unopposed matter. More

This is an application for registration of an order of the Labour Court in terms of section 92B (3) of the Labour Court Act (Chapter 28:01). Applicant contends that, the registration of an order obtained in the Labour Court dated 20th October 2017, per KUDYA J is necessary in order to give effect to the order for the purposes of enforcement. The application is opposed. The order sought in the draft order is in the following terms: “1. The court order issued by the Labour Court of Zimbabwe sitting at Harare on the 20th day of October 2017 under case... More

This is an urgent chamber application by the Applicant in which she is seeking the following relief. “ORDER SOUGHT 1. The applicant be and is hereby declared the legal owner of Berea 17, Berea 18 and site 232 under coordinates listed in Schedule “A”. 2. The survey report issued by the 6th Respondent on the 31st January, 2022 be and is hereby declared null and void. More

This is an appeal against the refusal to admit the two appellants to bail pending appeal. The two appellants were arraigned before the Provincial Magistrate’s court, sitting in Gweru, on a charge of criminal abuse of duty as public officers as defined in section 174(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The allegations against them are briefly as follows:that on a date to the prosecutor unknown, but during the period extending from 2012 to December 2017, at Gokwe Town Council, the appellants’, one or both of them, being public officers in the exercise of their functions... More

This court handed down its ruling in which it dismissed an application for discharge at the close of the state case brought by the applicant together with the 2nd to the 9th respondents herein but who were co-applicants in that application. On 29 October 2019, the applicant filed an application for the Judge’s recusal in the matter. This court dismissed the application on 14 January 2020. More