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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for bail pending trial. Applicant is facing one count of possession of raw ivory without a permit in contravention of section 82(1) of the Parks and Wildlife Regulations SI 362/1998 as readwith section 128 (1) (8) of the Parks and Wildlife Act (Chapter 20:14), and a further count of possession of a firearm without a licence in violation of section 4(1) of the Firearms Act (Chapter 10:09). The applicant denies the allegations and avers that he has been wrongly implicated. The application for bail is opposed by the state on the grounds that there is overwhelming... More

This application was initially heard in 2018 and a judgment was handed down on 12th September 2019. The applicant appealed against that judgment, HB 138-19. The appeal was allowed and the matter was remitted for a hearing de novo before a different Judge. More

Applicant seeks by way of a declaratur the following relief: “1. The dismissal of applicant from the Zimbabwe Republic Police on the 9th of December 2013 be and is hereby declared unlawful.” The facts The applicant was a constable in the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP). Following allegations of contravening section 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (Rape), a criminal docket was opened against him. The matter was subsequently referred to the Regional Court for prosecution. Meanwhile the ZRP proceeded to charge the applicant in terms of the Police Disciplinary Code for contravening paragraph 35 of... More

DUBE-BANDA J: This is a bail application pending trial. Applicants are jointly charged with two counts of robbery as defined in section 126 (1) (a) of the Criminal law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It being alleged that, on the 26th day of April 2021, and at around 1800 hours, the complainant Thokozile Zororo (complainant) was inside the shop Mutetso Investment in the company of Mostaff Murombo and Muchaita Marodza preparing to knock off when the applicants in the company of their two accomplices who are still at large arrived and entered into the shop holding pistols. More

This is an application for rescission of judgment and upliftment of bar. The application is opposed by 1st and 2nd respondents. After hearing argument in this matter I reserved judgment. These are the reasons for my ruling in this matter. More