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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
DUBE-BANDA J: This is an urgent application. This application was lodged in this court on 4th June 2021. It was placed before me and I directed that it be served on the respondents together with a notice of set down for 9th of June 2021. On the set down date, counsel for the applicant requested for a postponement to enable the fling of an answering affidavit. The postponement was granted and the matter was subsequently argued on 14th June 2021. More

The applicant in this matter initially filed an urgent application under case number HC 1787/21. The urgent application was opposed. Under HB 272-21, DUBE-BANDA J held that the matter was not urgent as contemplated in Rule 60 of the High Court Rules 2021. The application was struck off the roll of urgent matters with no order as to costs. More

The appellant appeared before a Regional Magistrate at Tredgold, Bulawayo on the 31st January 2019 facing a charge of contravening section 60A (1) of the Electricity Amendment Act, No. 12/07, that is to say, cut, damage, interfere with equipment to generate, supply and distribute electricity. The matter went to a full trial. Appellant was convicted and sentenced to a mandatory 10 years imprisonment. Dissatisfied with the conviction and sentence appellant noted an appealwith this court. More

On the 11th of May 2022 and at Lupane Magistrates’ Court applicant appeared on a charge of criminal abuse of office in contravention of section 174 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). Applicant pleaded not guilty. The allegations as outlined in the charge sheet are that during the period 23rd September 2021 to 25th September 2021 and at St Lukes Police base, Lupane, applicant a police officer employed by the Zimbabwe Republic Police, and in the exercise of his duty as such, unlawfully and intentionally acted inconsistently, by issuing a Livestock Clearance Certificate Form... More

This is an appeal against the decision of a magistrate court refusing to release appellant on bail pending his trial on a charge of contravening section 157(1)(a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23 - “possession of dangerous drug cocaine” - without a licence. Appellant launched a bail application before the Magistrates Court sitting a West Commonage in Bulawayo. His application was dismissed. The appellant is aggrieved by the dismissal of his bail application and now appeals to this court against the decision of the magistrate not to grant him bail. More