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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an urgent chamber application that was filed in this Court on 19 September 2016 and heard on 16 October 2016. After hearing argument on the preliminary issues on 16 October 2016, I formulated the conclusion that the matter could not be heard on merits as the urgency had not been sufficiently established. I believed I had made the appropriate order on the day of the brief hearing in chambers. More

The plaintiff sued out summons against the defendant seeking defendant’s eviction from Stand number 2 Gladstone Road, Bellevue, Bulawayo. More

This is an urgent court application for a declaratur. After hearing and considering the evidence and submissions made by counsel, in an ex-tempore judgment I dismissed the application with costs for lack of merit. In a letter dated 12 February 2024 the applicant has requested for reasons for the judgment. More

This is an application for a declaratur wherein the 24 applicants seek an order concluded in the following terms:- More

MAKONESE J: This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the magistrate sitting at Bulawayo on the 19thDecember 2019. The notice of appeal is couched in the following terms: “Please take notice that the above named appellant hereby notes an appeal against the whole judgment of the Magistrates’ Court including the order for costs handed down by her worship A. Mbeure on 19th December 2019 in case number CC 442/2019. More