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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is a matter where plaintiff had issued summons against the defendant. The defendant defended the proceedings and filed a counter claim to the plaintiff’s claim. In the counter-claim the defendant claims the following: “(a) that the plaintiff be ejected from Calcite Southern Mine, Inyathi Matabeleland North. (b) The plaintiff pays costs of suit.” The basis of the defendant’s counter-claim is that plaintiffs’ mining claim was cancelled but that plaintiff continues to occupy Calcite South Mine and continues to mine without a valid permit yet defendant acquired the mining claims known as Calcite 22 to 28 on the 7th of... More

1. This is an application for bail pending trial. Applicants are charged with five counts. Count 1 is robbery as defined in section 126 of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act [Chapter 9:23]. It being alleged that on the 27 February 2022, at around 0115 hours the applicants and others who are not part of this application hatched a plan to rob complainant. They went to the complainant’s shop armed with machetes, axes and sjamboks, thereat they broke shop windows to gain entry whilst inside they assaulted the complainant with sjamboks and threatened to kill him with the machetes... More

This is an application for Summary Judgment in terms of order 10 Rule 64 of the High Court Rules, 1971. The application is opposed by the respondent. Applicant contends that the respondent has no bona fide defence to his claims. As is common with most debtors in this jurisdiction and beyond, the respondent has raised illusory defences, feigned coercion and seeks not to be bound by an acknowledgement of debt. More

Defendant signed an acknowledgement of debt showing an allegedly standing indebtedness to the plaintiff in the sum of US$384 177,00. When defendant failed to pay this debt, plaintiff sued him and after a contested summary judgment application, summary judgment was granted in favour of the plaintiff. It is not in dispute that at the time of granting this judgment the court had not been addressed on SI 33/2019 and on the ensuing amendments to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act and the Finance Act. Consequently, summary judgment was granted in favour of the plaintiff for US$387 177,00. More

In this matter the applicant seeks an order against the 3 respondents that they submit to DNA tests to establish applicant’s paternity and that if such paternity is so established, 4th respondent be ordered to register the late Madanlal Prag Vaghmaria as applicant’s biological father and that applicant pays for the costs of the DNA tests. More