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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On the 23rd January 2020 the applicant was driving a Honda Fit motor vehicle bearing registration number AEB 2285 along Herbert Chitepo Street, in the Central Business District, Bulawayo. The applicant collided with a stationary vehicle which was dropping off passengers near “Pick ’N’ Pay” supermarket. The applicant did not stop his motor vehicle and fled the scene at high speed, turning right into 11th Avenue. He struck and injured 3 pedestrians who were crossing the road. Applicant drove his motor vehicle with one of the injured pedestrians clinging to the windscreen for about 80-100 metres before he was dislodged... More

As is fashionable in some churches these days, the respondents are secessionists who brokeaway from the applicant to form their own church being the 1st respondent. However, applicant alleges that despite using a different name, respondents continue to conduct their church services clothed in the same fashion as applicant’s congregation, chant the same slogans and wear hats commonly known in apostolic circles as “Gloria” which are embroidered with applicant’s name. Alarmed and believing that there is a reasonable likelihood that applicant’s members might be misled into believing that respondents’ activities are that of the applicant, the former decided to file... More

This is an application for bail pending trial. Applicant is facing ten counts of contravening section 126 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. The allegations are that between the periods extending from 12 July 2019 to 20 August 2020, the applicant embarked on a spree of armed robberies in Bulawayo. It is alleged that he was targeting various taxi operators whom he would rob of cash and other valuables after threatening to shoot them with a pistol. It is alleged that on arrest the police recovered an unregistered FN pistol in his possession. Again, it is... More

The plaintiff issued out summons against the defendants for the payment of “a) General and special damages in the sum of US$32 500 arising from a road accident caused by the negligence of the 2nd defendant whilst in the course and scope of his employment with 1st defendant. b) Interest on the above amount at the prescribed rate of 5% per annum from the date of judgment to the date of full and final payment. c) Costs of suit.” More

This is an application filed under a certificate of urgency. Applicant seeks the following relief: “Terms of Interim Relief 1. It is ordered that the respondents are hereby interdicted from dealing in any manner whatsoever with the property presently registered in the 1st respondent’s names and held by her under Deed of Transfer 1450/2019, which may result in the said property being transferred to another party. 2. The 1st respondent be and is hereby ordered to return the status quo ante prevailing in respect of applicant’s occupation of plot 4 Fairstar, Bulawayo. 3. The 3rd respondent be and is hereby... More