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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This matter appeared before me on 9 October 2020. Mr N.Mlalaappeared for the applicant whilst Ms S. Mhlanga appeared for the 2nd and 3rd respondents. After a brief hearing, the parties settled the matter and agreed that an order by consent be made, to the following effect. 1. That the Provisional Order is set aside as prayed for. 2. The applicant pay costs of suit on the ordinary scale. Ms S. Mhlanga for the 2nd and 3rdrespondents who were the victors in the matter has asked for reasons for judgment regrading clause 2 of the order. More

MABHIKWA J: The applicantand 6others attended interviews in a recruitment process conducted from September 2017 to May 2018. This was for the post of Assistant Director of Health Services (Environmental Health). Both the applicant and the 2nd respondent were already employed by the 1st respondent at the time in different capacities. At the end of the whole process, the 2nd respondent was appointed or elevated to the post of substantive Assistant Director of Health Services with effect from May 2018. More

Applicant and respondent are husband and wife. They were married to each other at Bulawayo on 30th July 2016 in terms of the Marriage Act (Chapter 5:11). The parties are going through an acrimonious divorce. At the centre of the dispute is the distribution of the immovable and movable assets of the matrimonial estate. The parties are living in separation. Applicant has approached this court on an urgent basis seeking an order for spoliation. The gist of the application is that he was in peaceful and undisturbed possession of a Toyota Hilux GD 6, double cab, white in colour, registration... More

KABASA J: This is an application for bail pending trial. The applicant is facing a charge of murder as defined in section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23. It is alleged the applicant with 3 others were hired by one MlamuleliNcube to kill the deceased and NomalangaSibanda as they were an unwelcome competition in a gold buying enterprise. They were paid US$250. On 16th January 2021 at around 1600 hours the applicant and his 3 accomplices followed the deceased and NomalangaSibanda who were on their way fromNcema river and caught up with them at Mzingwane... More

1. At the conclusion of the hearing of this matter I handed down an ex tempore judgment and dismissed this application. I did so to facilitate the start of applicant’s criminal trial before the Regional Court, because I had noted from the submissions of Mr Tashaya counsel for the applicant that this application was being used to derail or stall the start of the trial. Notwithstanding that none of the parties had asked for written reasons, I decided to furnish them nonetheless. More