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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellant in this matter appeared before a magistrate sitting at Filabusi Magistrates Court, charged with the crime of stock theft in contravention of section 114 (2) (i) and (ii) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, chapter 9:03. It was alleged that on a date unknown to the prosecutor but during the month of June 2017 and at Filabusi grazing lands, Samuel Nsingo and Obvious Mlauzi or one or more of them went to Papama area where they found five (5) herd of cattle grazing freely unattended. The two then stole and drove the 5 cattle to their... More

MAKONESE J: On 19th January 2019, the country was rocked by demonstrations and protests under the code name “Shutdown Zimbabwe”. In Bulawayo, the second largest city, mobs of violent protesters went on a rampage burning motor vehicles, assaulting innocent civilians and causing massive destruction to property. A police officer, Ekson Maure was caught up in the melee, andwas assaulted by unknown persons. He sustained fatal injuries and later died. On 24 April 2021 the two applicants were arrested on murder allegations. They both deny the charge. Applicants are currently in remand at Khani Prison. Applicants apply for bail pending trial.... More

The applicants are siblings and the 1st respondent was the testamentary executor of their deceased father’s estate whilst the second respondent is the applicants’ stepmother. More

This is an urgent chamber application for stay of execution. The draft order is in the following terms: “Interim relief granted Pending determination of this matter and the matter under case number HC 1435/20, the applicants are granted the following relief:- 1. The respondents be and are hereby interdicted from causing the issue and/or executing the warrants of execution issued in case number HC 3896/12 for payment of US$6 750 or its equivalent as the date of payment, interest on that amount at the rate of 5% per annum calculated from 22 June 2011 to date of payment. 2. In... More

This is an Election Petition brought in terms of Section 133 as read with Section 167 of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13] [the Act]. The election under challenge relates to the Local Authority for Ward 28 Councilor in NKAYI SOUTH Constituency in rural Matabeleland North Province. The Polling took place on 23 August 2023. The results of the election were announced on 24 August 2023. At the commencement of the hearing, the Petitioner withdrew the petition against the 1st and 2nd Respondents. The withdrawal was wisely taken, consensual, and without a tender or demand for costs. More