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Court Judgements

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Accused faces a charge of murder, it being alleged that on the 23rd of October 2020 and at Village Zinyoro, Headman Zinyoro, Chief Chirumhanzi, the accused person unlawfully caused the death of Learnmore Maphosa by striking him on the head and all over the body several times with logs intending to kill him and thereby causing his death. More

The 2 accused are charged with two counts of murder as defined in section 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23. They pleaded not guilty to both counts. The state alleges that on 28 January 2022 the two accused had a misunderstanding with the now 2 deceased, Nqaba and Kelvin Ndlovu. Accused 1 then produced a Colombia knife and stabbed deceased one on the back. The now deceased staggered and fell to the ground. Accused 2 stomped on his body whilst the now deceased lay on the ground bleeding. The two accused thereafter charged at deceased... More