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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Applicant is a member of the Zimbabwe Catering and Hotel Workers Union (1st respondent). 1st respondent’s stated aims and objectives are the establishment of a union that seeks to regulate the relations between members and their employees and to protect and further the interests of members in relation to their employees. Amongst other objectives, 1st respondent was established to foster and encourage the establishment of good conditions in the workplace and generally to promote the interests of its members. Membership to the 1st respondent is open to employees in the Catering Industry in Zimbabwe. In terms of section 23 (8)... More

It is trite that urgent chamber applications should be shown, both on the certificate of urgency and on the applicants’ founding affidavit to be urgent more particularly in that; a) There is primarily no dispute of facts in the matter and the law relating to the matter is clear and undisputed. That there is irreparable harm that will be occasioned to the rights of applicant. Indeed the applicant must show that he has a prima facie right that has been or about to be infringed. c) That should the matter not be treated as urgent the harm to that right... More

In this matter plaintiff issued summons claiming the following:An order for the payment of the sum of $25000-00 by the defendant to the plaintiff the same being in respect of monies loaned and advanced to defendant by plaintiff at defendant’s specific request and instance on or about the 23rd of July 2015, which amounts despite lawful dead, defendant has failed and neglected to pay. 2) An order that defendant pays interest at the prescribed rate on the sum of $25000 calculated from 23 July 2015 to date of full payment. 3) An order that defendant’s motor vehicle a Mercedes Benz... More

The applicants filed 3 bail applications in this court on the same date. These applications relate to the same facts and hence I decided to combine the applications. I have dealt with the application in one single judgment for the sake of convenience. The applicants are facing charges of armed robbery in violation of section 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23). Applicants deny the allegations and aver that they have been wrongly implicated. The state opposes the application for bail on the grounds that there are compelling reasons for the denial of bail. The state... More

The applicant in this matter seeks as against the respondents an order as follows:- “1. That the 1st, 2nd and 3rd respondents be and are hereby directed to release a sum of USD58 000 belonging to applicants within 24 hours of service of this order upon them.2. That 1st, 2nd and 3rd respondents be and are hereby directed to pay costs of suit on an attorney and client scale jointly and severally with one paying and the other to be absolved.” The background of this matter per applicant’s version is that applicant and 4th respondent entered into an agreement wherein... More