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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant was convicted by a Regional Magistrate at Plumtree of 39 counts of fraud in contravention of section 136 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). Applicant was sentenced to a total of 14 years imprisonment of which 3 years was suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions of future good conduct, a further 5 years was suspended on condition of restitution. Aggrieved and dissatisfied with both conviction and sentence imposed by the court a quo applicant has filed a notice of appeal to this court. The applicant has approached this court seeking bail pending... More

The first applicant is a member of the House of Assembly for Mbizo Constituency in Kwe Kwe. The second applicant is also a member of the House of Assembly for the Redcliff Constituency. Both applicants were arrested on the 18th January 2019 on allegations of subverting a constitutional Government as defined in section 22 (b) as read with section 22 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23). In the alternative the applicants are charged with inciting public violence in contravention of section 187 (1) as read with section 36 (1) of the Criminal Code. The applicants... More

Plaintiff issued summons claiming against the defendant a decree of divorce and ancillary relief. The parties were married on the 21st of December 1990 in terms of the Marriage Act (Chapter 5:11) and the same still subsists. During the subsistence of their marriage, the parties were blessed with three children who have all since attained the age of majority. The parties have agreed to the distribution of their movable property leaving the sole issue for determination by this court as whether or not the plaintiff is entitled to 50% share of the matrimonial property being 7833 Lotus Drive, Highmount, Bulawayo. More

This is an interpleader application. The applicant gave notice pursuant to Order 30 Rule 205 as read with Rule 205A of the High Court Rules, 1971, calling upon the claimant and the judgment creditor to deliver particulars of their claim to the attached property within 10 days of service of the notice. The application is opposed. The claimant claims ownership of the attached goods namely; a Power Star Tipper Truck registration number ADS 3780 and 2 Hammer mills. The judgment creditor avers that the attached property belongs to the judgment debtor. More

Plaintiff in this matter issued summons against the two defendants claiming . Payment of the sum of $400 000-00 due by 1st and 2nd defendants to the plaintiff being damages arising from the defendant’s wrongful and unlawful conduct which resulted in plaintiff’s minor child who does not have legal capacity being circumcised without the consent of the plaintiffs’ the biological parents. 2. Interest at the prescribed rate of 5% per annum reckoned from the date of summons to date of full payment.” More