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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
In this matter the plaintiff issued summons claiming the ejectment of the 1st defendant and all those claiming through him from her farm namely subdivision 2 Oaklands, Insiza arising from the offer letter issued to her on 6th June 2014. More

The applicant is jointly charged with one Jephat Chaganda who is separately applying for bail under case number HCB 80/19. Applicant and several others are currently undergoing trial at the High Court on a charge of theft of gold. The applicant finds himself facing fresh charges relating to obstruction of justice in contravening section 184 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

The applicant appeared before the High Court at Gweru on the 18th of May 2009 on a charge of murder. He was convicted of murder with actual intent. The learned judge sentenced the applicant to life imprisonment. The applicant sought to appeal against both conviction and sentence and brought this application before this court on 17 October 2018, some nine years after conviction and sentence. More

This is an application simply tilted “Court application”. It is not shown on the face of the application or the founding affidavit what application it is exactly and in terms of what rule of court it is made. It is continuously referred as “court application”. The court has to infer from the totality of the papers and submissions made that it is probably made in terms of order 40 rule 359 (8) being an application for the setting aside of a sale in execution. More

This is an application for the upliftment of the automatic bar that came about after applicant failed to file a new set of opposing papers against the confirmation of a Provisional Order that had been granted against it after it had filed opposing papers for argument on whether or not a Provisional Order should be granted. It would appear applicant’s lawyer laboured under the mistake that once having filed opposing papers against the granting of the interim order, if it had no additional information it would still use the same opposing papers to argue against the confirmation of the Provisional... More