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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for the removal of the Executrix Dative on the grounds that the first respondent has abdicated her duties since her appointment in 2014 to administer the estate of the late Remusi Machokoto. More

This is an application for bail pending trial. The application was filed on 25th January 2021. I then advised the parties of my intention to dispose of the matter on the papers. To that end I invited them to file heads of argument, if they were so inclined, by 27th January 2021. Counsel for the applicants filed heads of argument on the 28th January and none were filed by the respondent. More

This is an urgent chamber application to stay the execution of the judgment issued in the matter under case number HC 2272/18; Ex-Ref LC/MT/531/18; Ex-Ref LC/B/LARA/2777/18 and the sale of applicant’s movable property being a trailer, bearing registration number ABS 1872. The application is premised on the following grounds: (a) the matter is urgent; (b) applicant will suffer irreparable harm or prejudice if execution is granted; (c) applicant has very good prospects of success on the merits in the main application under case number HC 823/19 More

This is an application for leave to execute a judgment of this court pending the hearing of an appeal before the Supreme Court. The application has been filed under a certificate of urgency. The application is opposed by the applicant. Brief background. On 21 March 2019, the Honourable MOYO J, handed down judgment under case number HB-37-19. In that matter the learned judge confirmed a provisional order granted on 14 June 2018. It was the view of the court that the notice of opposition and opposing affidavit were not properly before the court. Further the deponent to the opposing affidavit... More