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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The facts of this matter are rather unusual. The plaintiff and the defendant were firstly married in 1996 in terms of the Marriage Act (Chapter 5;11). The marriage was blessed with three children namely; Johnson Moyo (male) (born on 4 February 1991), Ndumiso Moyo (male) (born on 22 November 1994) and Nobukhosi Moyo (female) (born 22 October 1999). During the subsistence of the marriage the parties acquired two immovable properties, being Stand number 72173 Lobengula West, Bulawayo and Stand 14584 Ihlosi Road, Selbourne Park, Bulawayo. In the course of the marriage the defendant left for the United Kingdom where he... More

Applicants in this matter filed an application for the review of a sale in execution by the Sheriff which applicants aver was not done in accordance with procedure. In other words, applicants aver that there were gross irregularities in the conduct of the sale in execution of their co-owned property. The applicant avers in the face of the application that an order is being sought in terms of the draft and that the grounds for review are as follows: 1) The respondents failed to follow the court rules regards attachment and sale of movable (sic) property.The 1st and 5th respondents... More

On 24 April 2014, the City of Bulawayo woke up to the news of the horrific double murder of Mthabisi Dube and his girlfriend Lokukhanya Ncube. Their bodies were discovered in a grass filled drainage at the corner of Intemba and Rangemore Roads in Nkulumane 12. Lokukhanya had her skirt pulled up to her waist, her hands were tied together and the right side of her abdomen was ripped open with a sharp object. Her legs were also tied together. She had a deep cut in the neck. Mthabisi’s hands were tied from behind with a black shoe lace and... More

This is an application wherein the applicant sought the following relief: 1. That respondent be ordered to sign all the necessary papers for the sale and transfer of stand number 598 Scone Drive, Killarney, Bulawayo, which sale and transfer shall be to the highest offeree or above US$140,000-00 as may be secured by the first of the following state agents; John Pocock and Co. (Pvt) Ltd, Ken Estates agents: Rodor Properties (Pvt) Ltd and Bulawayo Real Estates agents, failing which the Deputy Sheriff be authorized to sign the said papers. That the respondent pays the cost of this application on... More

On the 14th January 2019 the country was rocked by demonstrations in most of the major cities in Zimbabwe. The demonstrations were characterized by looting of shops, destruction of property and widespread acts of hooliganism at a scale never seen before. For a period of four days roads into the major cities were barricaded and motorists were forced to abandon their normal routes. Scores of workers stayed in doors in their homes in a campaign dubbed “Shutdown Zimbabwe”. The applicants are all residents of the City of Gweru. The applicants are facing allegations of contravening section 36 (1) (a) of... More