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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 20 March 2021 the Applicant brought an urgent chamber application seeking the following: TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms that:- 1. The provisional order be and is hereby confirmed. 2. Respondent be and is hereby interdicted from interfering with Applicant’s guardianship rights in respect of Applicant’s biological children. INTERIM RELIEF SOUGHT Pending the Return Day, the Applicant is granted the following relief:- “1. Respondent is interdicted from sending KK born on 3rd April 2008 (the child) to Chemhanza Secondary School.” More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment by the Provincial Magistrate sitting at Mutare on 23 March 2020 where he granted an absolution from the instance in favour of the respondents where the appellant was seeking an order for eviction against them. The appellant outlined his grounds of appeal covering three pages which need no repetition. Serve to mention that the grounds of appeal are all repetitive, argumentative and vague. As a result the respondents justifiably raised three points in limine as follows: More

On 20 March 2020, plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming an order for divorce and ancillary relief. The defendant filed an appearance to defend and plea and the matter proceeded to pre-trial. At the pre-trial hearing, it was clear that the marriage relationship had irretrievably broken down and there was no prospect of its restoration. There was no dispute as to the custody of the minor child of the marriage. The plaintiff conceded to all the defendant’s demands regarding matrimonial property. The only two sticking issues were maintenance and access in respect to the child. These were referred to... More

This is an application for bail pending trial. Both applicants are being charged with an offence of Robbery as defined in s 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23] and the application is opposed by the state. More

Applicant is a former employee of the respondent. Her contract of employment was terminated by the respondent using the standard National Employment Council SI, 15 of 2006. A designated agent attempted to register the determination with the Labour court but the Labour Court rejected the application on the basis that the respondent did not fall under the auspices of National Employment Council for Zimbabwe Schools Development Association and Committees of Zimbabwe. The applicant made another application in the Labour Court seeking among other things the setting aside of the disciplinary proceedings conducted by the respondent in terms of SI 15... More