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Court Judgements

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Background Applicant acted as village head in 2006. He was made substantive in 2009. In 2011 applicant was suspended pending alleged misconduct. On 13 June 2012 applicant was reinstated to his position as village head without loss of benefits. After that 2012 reinstatement no documents pertaining to his misconduct as village head was served on him. On 9 September 2021 applicant received a letter from the District Development Coordinator addressed to Chief Marange advising the chief about the removal of applicant as village head and his replacement with second respondent Edward Marange. The letter does not state the reasons for... More

The appellant was charged and convicted of Rape as defined in s 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. The appellant was convicted of 2 counts of rape and sentenced in respect of both counts to 18 years imprisonment of which 3 years imprisonment was suspended on usual conditions of good behaviour. Aggrieved by both conviction and sentence imposed by the court a quo, the appellant approached this court on appeal. I must mention that the appellant’s counsel properly conceded that if the conviction was proper then the sentence imposed was appropriate as it was in... More

The two respondents who are husband and wife purchased curtain piece of land situated in the District of Umtali called stand 86 Murambi Gardens of Umtali Township lands measuring 3450 square metres for RTGS $450 000 .00 through a deputy Sheriff’s public auction. The property was previously owned by the now appellant. The two were confirmed purchasers of the property on 5 March 2019, they are now title holders under Deed of Transfer No.3520/19. The respondents then issued summons against the appellant in the magistrate court seeking her eviction from the property at the same time claiming holding over damages... More

On 8 July 2022 at Total Service Station Rusape, Manicaland, all three applicants were found by detectives being in possession of a dead pangolin in contravention of s 45 (1)(b) of Parks and Wild Life Act, [Chapter 20;14]. S read with SI 70 of 2020. The applicants were using a silver Toyota Baby Quantum belonging to second applicant. All three applicants were lured by police detectives who posed as potential buyers. The pangolin was stashed in 10kg polythene bag behind the driver’s seat. Cellphone umber 0777 925 402 belonging to first applicant was used to communicate with the potential buyers... More

This urgent chamber application was brought before me on 19 February 2020 in chambers. I adjudged that the application was not urgent. On 11 February 2020 the applicant’s counsel wrote to the Registrar seeking audience with the court and address it on the aspect of urgency. The matter was set down for hearing on 17 February 2020. On the date of hearing the first respondent indicated that it was more concerned about the order of costs being prayed against the cited magistrate. The second respondent opposed the application arguing that the matter was no longer urgent given the background of... More