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Court Judgements

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The applicant, Mega Market (Private) Limited, is based in Mutare and is a registered commercial company which specialises in the business of buying and selling various goods, groceries being eminent. Given the economic situation in Zimbabwe the applicant has joined other competitors in outsourcing groceries outside the boundaries of Zimbabwe. In such a cutthroat operating environment applicant’s drawback became the slippery green back for it to be able to pay the suppliers abroad. Invariably where the uncertainty of the economic hang up is experienced disputes arise and more [particularly where the source of the foreign currency is a commercial bank. More

On November 2021 Wisdom Chinongwa, applicant’s driver was arrested near Mary Mount Teachers College conveying smuggled goods. He and the owner of the goods were prosecuted, convicted and sentenced. The goods and the motor vehicle were seized. Wisdom Chinongwa and applicant made representations to Zimra officials for the release of the motor vehicle but did not succeed. On 23 February 2022 the Commissioner General advised applicant of the forfeiture of the Toyota Granvia to the State. Aggrieved by that letter of forfeiture, applicant decided to lodge the application to this court. More

: On 24 October 2003 the then Minister of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement, Honourable Dr J. M. Made (MP) issued an offer letter to the appellant for Subdivision 11 of Coldstream Farm, in Makoni District of Manicaland Province measuring 53 hectares in extent. Attached to the offer letter were conditions generally applying to the offer of land under the Zimbabwe Land Reform and Resettlement programme (Phase 11, Model A2 Scheme). On 25 September 2008 appellant and respondent entered into a swap agreement where the appellant swapped Subdivision 11 of Cold Stream Headlands. It is not clear as to the... More

The background facts are contained in the affidavit of the applicants. All five applicants are erstwhile Workers of Bingaguru Farm in Makoni District, in Manicaland Province. Bingaguru Farm became a subject of land resettlement directly affecting the applicants, their families and livestock. Sometime in 2011 traditional leaders integrated them and allocated them plots of land for resettlement. Respondent then entered into a partnership agreement with Sports Leaders Institute of Zimbabwe wherein the local authority provided land to the organisation on 5 February 2020 and the Sports Institute took occupation and started to put structures at the site. Among other activities... More

This is an application for bail pending appeal. The brief background to the application has to be put into perspective. The applicant was arraigned before a Provincial Magistrate facing an offence of contravening s 45 (1) (b) of the Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14] as read with s 128 of the said Act and further read with s 2 of the Parks and Wildlife (specially protected) regulations SI 72/2020. In that the applicant was in unlawful and intentional possession of Pangolin Scales weighing 1700 grams without a permit. The applicant pleaded guilty to the offence and was consequently found... More