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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The state alleged that on 27 April 2019, and at plot No. 84, St Faith, Rusape, Malven Muchedzi and the appellant, both and each or one or the other of them unlawfully took a black cow owned by Tafara Chitsike intending to deprive him permanently. On the same date appellant contacted Zvikomborero Ndedzo on his mobile phone informing him that he was selling a cow which had suffered a broken leg. Zvikomborero Ndedzo advised Peter Antonio Mutoniya through his mobile phone who agreed to buy the cow. On the same day at around 2000 hours, the appellant and his accomplice... More

The respondent, Mathew Muchazviona Gwaku, then a self-actor issued summons in the Magistrates Court in 2018 seeking the removal of appellant’s property from his Clock Room at Mudzviti Bus Terminus in Mutare on the grounds that the appellant had failed to pay rentals in the sum of $400-00 and advertising fee totalling $800-00. He indicated that he had given appellant a notice to vacate by writing a letter of demand which letter was ignored by the appellant. On 15 August 2018 the appellant filed its appearance to defend the action. On 27 August 2018 respondent filed a notice to plead.... More

The applicant was arrested and arraigned before the magistrate court on a charge of rape. He was detained in custody and has approached this court seeking for bail pending trial. More

This is an application for absolution from the instance at the closure of Plaintiff’s case. The Plaintiff is the daughter of the late Marthar Taruvinga, Marthar Taruvinga is Plaintiff’s late father. His first name may however erronically suggest a female. For expediency I will refer to Marthar Taruvinga as the deceased hereafter. The first defendant is the deceased’s surviving spouse. She however is not the Plaintiff’s biological mother but a stepmother. Plaintiff issued summons seeking an order declaring the distribution and registration of the deceased’s estate null and void and also an order for the remittal of the matter back... More

Applicant was customarily married to Elia SvosveraiNdoro who died intestate in 2010, she was the third wife. Alice Ndorowas also married to Elia Ndoro and she was the second wife. Alice died in 2008 without leaving a will. When Alice Ndoro died Josephine Chinaka (“second respondent”) was appointed executrix dative over Alice Ndoro’s estate and Joseph Chinake (“third respondent”) is cited as beneficiary. In compiling the inventory of Alice Ndoro’s estate, a shop situated at Chinyauhwera was included as part of the estate of the late Alice Ndoro. More