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Court Judgements

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On 25 March 2020 respondent approached the Magistrate court with an ex parte application for a peace order and interdict. In his founding affidavit applicant contended that he was authorised to stay at Fairhelme Farm known as Sendekera Farm by the then Resident Minister for Manicaland Mandiitawepi Chimene after paying US$25 000. The respondent had been trying to forcefully evict him. In 2017 appellant instituted proceedings under case No. 2225/17 as well as HC 691/18 and HC 164/18 but later on withdrew the summons. The government had indicated that both Mandiitawepi Chimene and a company formed by her had no... More

This is an application for rei vindicatio in respect of a motor vehicle namely Foton Registration AAE 6811, Airtel WIFI Modem serial number 5LL 7517C22027996 and a Tel-One internet moderm presently in possession of the respondent. The applicant claims it is the owner of the property which was issued to the respondent for conducting council business prior to his suspension and dismissal. The applicant contends that it requires the property so as to redeploy some to lawful council business. The respondent having been relieved of his duties is no longer entitled to possess the property in question. The respondent on... More

The applicant is facing a charge of possession of a specially protected animal species. It is alleged that on 5 January 2021 and at around 1100 hours the applicant who was in the company of four other accused persons who are still at large were driving a Toyota Corolla vehicle Registration Number ACW 2580 silver in colour and they parked it along Harare-Mutare Highway at Hwedza turn off, Rusape. They were intercepted by police detectives and they were found in possession of two live pangolins. The pangolins were placed on the back seat covered with a white sack. The applicant... More

The applicant is facing allegations of murder as defined in s 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The brief allegations being that on 26 March 2021 at Mahachi Village, Chief Musikavanhu Chipinge the accused together with an accomplice her son assaulted the deceased several times on the head and all over the body using an iron bar. The accused persons assaulted the deceased who was selling curtains till he died. The accused suspected that the deceased had stolen their blankets hence they perpetrated the assault on him. The accused then pulled the body of the... More