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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal made in terms of s 121(2)(b) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act, [Cap 9:07] against the refusal by the Magistrate sitting at Beit bridge on 16th March 2022 to grant all the sixteen (16) appellants bail pending trial. All the 16 appellants were jointly charged with other two appellants Tichareva Nyaku and Priscila Gosa who were also denied bail pending appeal by the same court a quo. These two filed a separate appeal to this court on CRB 126 – 27/22 and the appeal was not opposed by the State (the respondent). Consequently they were... More

This is an application for review where the applicant is seeking the following: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The High Court should review the ruling from Rusape Magistrate Court of (sic) granting RTGS 5 0000 against a claim of US$ 50000 dated 26 may 2020. 2. Respondent to pay cost of this application” The application is opposed more pertinently the first respondent contends that applicant does not allege any procedural irregularity on the part of second respondent’s conduct of proceedings which must be the legal basis for review in terms of s 27 of the High Court Act. More

Appellant instituted summons at Rusape Magistrate Court claiming $5000-00 from the respondent being general damages arising from the alleged unlawful destruction of appellant’s temporary structure constructed at No 7688 without a valid court order as well as for harassing appellant’s wife at the latter’s work place without appellant’s consent. After the issuing out of the summons the appellant served the respondent with various court processes and on 9 April 2019 appellant filed an application for default judgment. Unfortunately on 19 April 2019 the learned magistrate dismissed the application. Unamused by the dismissal the appellant noted an appeal on 16 August... More

On 15 August 2005 the respondent entered into a written agreement of sale with one Tendai Mutasa for the sale of property namely a rural homestead situated in Mwoyoweshumba Village in Watsomba constituted of a five roomed house, 2 thatched kitchen huts, a large field measuring 3 hectares and a utility blair ablution. After the respondent paid Tendai Mutasa, Tendai Mutasa introduced respondent to the village head who in turn endorsed and approved the sale of the improvements and entered respondent’s name into the village head’s register. The respondent clearly stated that he bought the structures/improvement at the homestead and... More

The applicant approached this court seeking a spoliatory relief, in other words, a restoration order directing the respondent to restore a motor vehicle which the applicant alleges was arbitrarily seized from him on 1 November 2019. The applicant was in possession of a vehicle namely Ford Ranger Registration number AEV 6196, Engine number SA2KPEP15708 and Chasis number AFAPXXMJ2PEP1570, before the respondents impounded the vehicle causing it to be parked at Mutare Central Police Station. The respondent is opposed to the application, in summary, on the basis that the seizure of the vehicle was lawful and that the vehicle in question... More