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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Applicant, who is a detective in the Zimbabwe Republic Police received a report of theft of a cellphone gadget on 4 March 2019. After investigations he recovered it from Ernest Jamela a form four student at St Joseph’s Mission, Sakubva, Mutare. He arrested Ernest Jamela and handed him over to the charge office. On 5 March 2019, at his parent’s home he rearrested him over a second cellphone belonging to Delight Mureba. On 7 March 2019 a complaint of assault was lodged by Ernest Jamela against applicant. More

On 7 August 2020 the High Court of Mutare issued an urgent chamber application for execution pending appeal filed by the successful party, the applicant, Associated Mine Workers Union of Zimbabwe. It is a special application where the applicant wants to be given leave to execute the judgment granted under Case Number HC 99/19 dated 23 July 2020. Applicant is seeking the following relief: More

On 12 November 2019 the court sitting at Mutasa Magistrates Court granted a judgment in favour of the Respondent herein and ordered as follows: 1. That the defendant be ordered to pay US$314 112-68. 2. That the defendant be ordered to pay interest at a present rate. 3. That the defendant pays costs of suit. More

From the facts extracted from the applicant’s founding affidavit filed of record, applicant was allocated Plot 15B Bomhani, Cashel in terms of the land resettlement programme. Respondent was also allocated the identical plot and moved in to practice farming activities on the plot. The applicant filed an application at the Mutare Magistrate Court for an interdict barring Respondent from practising farming on the plot. The application was granted. The respondent appealed against the order. The appeal with the High Court was struck off the roll. The respondent made an application to the Administrative Court which is still pending and also... More

The events leading to his arrest as captured in the papers filed of record are the following. Part of applicant’s responsibilities as a security guard in the employ of the complainant company include among others driving a “cash in transit van”. On the fateful day, the 25th of November 2021, he was the driver of one such vehicle namely an Isuzu van en route from Bulawayo to Harare. His co-crew consisted of three other fellow employees namely Thomas Chisambadzi, Langelilile Moyo and Emmanuel Nhamo. Their mission being to safely deliver the aforementioned sum of money to Harare. For reasons that... More