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Court Judgements

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On 15 September 2021 an application was filed by The Trustees Manicaland Commercial Federation Trust wherein it sought an order declaring; a. First respondent’s 2020 supplementary budget process and consequent budget to be flawed and in contravention of s219 of the Urban Councils Act; b. First respondent’s budget process 2021 budget process and consequent budget to be flawed and in contravention of s219 of the Urban Councils Act; c. The consequent increases from those budget processes and budgets to be unaffordable to ratepayers given the Covid 19 induced economic turmoil; d. And as a result, that the parties be ordered... More

A raft of measures meant to comply with the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines on the prevention containment and treatment of Coronavirus disease commonly known as COVID19 prompted the Minister of Health and Child Care and indeed the Government of Zimbabwe to make an order for National lockdown under Statutory Instrument 83 of 2020 on 28 March with effective date of operation 30 March 2020. The order among other important provisions provides that the supply of water and electricity services are critical and essential services. The virus is real and indeed a menace as evidenced by reports of the numbers... More

From 10 to 19 December 2015 the 2nd respondent embarked on an institutional special investigative audit report at the 1st respondent’s institution following complaints that 1st respondent’s, the City Council employees were being owed salary arrears of eighteen months. Obviously the report by the Ministry was adverse and revealed anomalies committed by Mutare City Council. The applicant accessed the investigative report and offered to assist the City Council. The City Council refused and the applicant wrote threatening letters to 1st respondent and indicated to Municipality of Mutare that it was going to advise residents to boycott payment of utility bills... More

On 12 July 2018, the appellant appeared before a magistrate sitting at Mutare facing two counts of contravening sections of the Road Traffic Act. Count 1 was for contravening s 6 (1) as read with s 6 (5) of the Road Traffic Act [Chapter 13:11] for having no driver’s licence. The state alleges that on 10 July 2018 and along Chimanimani Road, Mutare, appellant unlawfully drove a motor vehicle Nissan Vannet registration number AEP 7947 without a valid driver’s licence issued in his name in respect of any class of motor vehicle. The second count was for contravening s 53... More

The applicants who were both self-actors filed their applications separately for hearing on the same date. By consent the bail applications of the jointly charged applicants were consolidated and both applications were accorded chance to address the court. The state opposed both applications for bail citing compelling grounds militating against the admission of applicants to bail. The applicants were arraigned before Magistrate Court Rusape facing allegations of murder as defined in s 47 of The Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It is alleged that on 27 September 2020 the two applicants in the company of 2 others... More