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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
St Micheal’sNerwande Church was established by applicant in1909. In 1910 primary students used the church building for lessons. During the liberation struggle the Rhodesia government took control of the education department of the church. In 1980 the new dispensation continued with the pre-independence status quo. Its not clear on papers as when applicant engaged the first respondent, (Makoni Rural District Council) to restore control of the school to the applicant. However the Rural District Council agreed to do so but on condition applicant had to meet certain pre-requisites provided in the Education Act. Its clear on paper that the applicant... More

The facts appear in the applicant’s papers and they are outlined as follows: Applicant owns the property and attached proof of ownership, a title deed and on that property is built Robert Mugabe House which accommodates orphans and deserted children and is administered by trustees. Respondents occupied the house as beneficiaries and at the pleasure of the applicant and the institute only accommodates beneficiaries aged between one and fourteen years. Both respondents are now majors. Applicant contend that the respondents have become hostile towards the Institute’s trustees and employees and erected illegal structures on the piece of land without the... More

The applicant arraigned before the Magistrates Court facing a charge of Rape as defined in s 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The facts forming the basis of the charge are that between May and June 2019 the applicant was staying with his two juvenile daughters the complainant aged 10 and the other younger one aged 5. The applicant carried the complainant to his bed and after exposing his manhood he inserted his male organ into the complainant’s private parts knowing or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that the complainant was... More

On 4 February 2020 the appellant was arraigned for raping a mentally incompetent person before the Regional Magistrate at Mutare. The state alleged that appellant and complainant are neighbours at Nyamukwarara Village, Chief Mutasa, Penhalonga. On a date and time unknown to the state but during the period extending from January to August 2019 complainant was left alone at home by her mother whilst the latter went out to look for piece work. Complainant is mentally challenged and a cripple. The appellant approached complainant during the absence of her mother from home, grabbed and dragged her into a nearby maize... More

On 7 September 2018 the appellant appeared at Nyanga Magistrates Court facing 1 count of the Road Traffic Act and second count of culpable homicide. Count 1: appellant had no driver’s licence as defined under s 6 (1) of the Road Traffic Act [Chapter 13:11]. It was alleged that on 9 May 2018 and along Chamakowa road 100 m before the main tarred road, Rusape – Nyanga, appellant drove a daff AVM truck, registration number AAH 2186 while not being a holder of a driver’s licence issued in terms of the Act, in respect of such class of motor vehicle. More