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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for condonation of late noting of an application for review of the Respondent to retire the applicant at the age of 60 years instead of the age of 65 years provided in the contract of employment. More

On the 8th January, 2014 Applicant filed an application for condonation of late noting of an appeal against an arbitral award. The award to be appealed against was issued on the 19th October, 2012. More

This matter had been set down for the 24 May 2013. Both parties were informed that matter was postponed to a date to be informed by the Registrar. The Registrar called and advised both legal practitioners that the matter had been set down for hearing on 31 May 2013. Applicant is therefore in wilful default. More

The respondent was the Managing Director of the appellant company until 21 August 2014 when he was suspended from duty. The issue before the court relates to a pay increase that was awarded but not paid to respondent before his suspension. More

At the hearing of this appeal I heard submissions on the points in limine and reserved my ruling. This is it. The appellant filed its appeal on 28 August 2015 against an arbitral award. The 2nd respondent who was immediately thereafter served with the notice of appeal, lodged its notice of response on 14 September 2015. The first respondent only filed its notice of response on 23 September 2015. Both notices of response were served on the appellant soon after filing with the Labour Court. More