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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Applicant applied to this Court for condonation of a belated Response. Respondent opposed the applicant. The basis of the application is set out in applicant’s founding affidavit More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award in favour of the Respondents. The Respondents were employed by Myramah Farming (Pvt) Ltd t/a Cottzim from September 2009 to September 2012. Respondents’ services were terminated. They approached the Labour Officer for conciliation on a dispute of unlawful termination by Cottzim. The parties reached an agreement but Appellant reneged on it. The matter was referred to arbitration. The Arbitrator put the terms of the agreement before the Labour Officer as the award. More

The appellant appeals against the determination of an arbitrator which ordered it to pay salary arrears in the sum of $221 646.50 in 9 instalments of $24 627.39 per month. All the respondents were employed by the appellant. It is not in dispute that the respondents did not receive their salaries for sometime when the appellant experienced financial challenges. At times they were underpaid. The respondents filed a claim for the recovery of the money with a labour officer. When conciliation efforts failed the matter was referred to arbitration. The arbitrator made a finding set out in the first paragraph... More

On the 28th September, 2018 applicant filed an application with this Court citing Section 12B (3) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] (THE ACT) seeking a declaration, declaring his resignation an act of constructive dismissal by respondent More

Before the matter proceeded into the merits, a preliminary point was raised on behalf of the respondent. It was submitted that the appeal was filed out of the prescribed period and therefore improperly before the court. For the respondent it was submitted that the appeal was against a determination of 27 November 2013. The appeal before the court was filed on 8 July 2015. The background to this case was given as follows: The appellant and respondents had a labour dispute. The matter was eventually placed before the General Engineering Committee of the National Employment Council for the Engineering and... More