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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 30 March 2023 this Court issued an Ex Tempore decision dismissing Applicant’s application for rescission of the default judgment delivered by the Court sitting at Mutare Circuit Court. Applicant is dissatisfied with the dismissal of the application for rescission and intends to approach the Supreme Court. More

is an appeal at the instance of the appellant employer against the decision of the arbitrator where he ruled that the appellant casualised labour by employing the respondent for a stretch of nine years on renewable fixed term contracts. More

This is an appeal by the Appellant against dismissal from the Respondent’s employ. Before merits of the appeal could be heard, Ms Maposa who appeared on behalf of the Respondent raised a point in limine. Ms Maposa contended that the grounds brought by the Appellant should have been by way of review and not by appeal. This is so because Ms Maposa continued, the grounds raise procedural issues and not the substantive correctness or otherwise of the decision being appealed against. It was also averred on behalf of the Respondent that the grounds of appeal are vague. Mr Chimutashu who... More

This matter has a sad history of dragging back and forth since 2014 with the parties engaged in a series of applications and counter applications but the merits of the matter not being dealt with. Finally on 17 March 2015 the parties agreed that they had haggled over the matter for long enough and now wanted finality of the matter on the merits. This led to the parties submitting on the merits of the appeal at employee’s instance which is the main matter on the case. Judgment was reserved from 23 March 2015 a date which parties agreed they would... More

The matter has a long and chequered history in this court. The matter was initially placed before this court as an appeal matter under reference LC/H/486/14. The appeal was struck off the roll on the 29th May, 2015 on account of poor citation of the parties. The Applicants after correcting the citation then filed another application reference LC/H/APP/198/2015 for reinstatement of an appeal. The application met with a similar fate. It was struck off the roll on the basis of a wrong procedure having been adopted. Undeterred the Applicants have noted yet another application this time for condonation and extension... More