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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for the reinstatement of an appeal which was struck off the roll on 29 May 2015 on account of ill citation of the parties in the matter. The application is at the instance of the applicant employees who submitted that they have now regularised the position by citing all of them employees in their individual capacities pitted against the respondent employer. Previously the parties had been cited as the workers committee against the respondent employer. The reinstatement application was opposed by the respondent. In that regard the employee took points in limine which it argued should... More

The respondent is a transport operating entity duly registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The appellant was employed by the respondent as a bus conductor. His duties included collecting fares from passengers and for such passengers’ luggage and issuing tickets to the said passengers . More

This is an appeal against a determination of the disciplinary authority of the respondent. The appellants were employed as auditors by the respondent until 24 June 2014 when they were discharged from service. During the period 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013, the appellants were assigned to pre-audit the expenditure vouchers of the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (“ZPCS”) whose values ranged from US$1 000-00 and above. Arising out of the pre-audit, the appellants were charged with misconduct in terms of section 44 (2) (a) as read with the first schedule (section 2) paragraphs 2, 3, 13 (a) and... More

On 25th October 2011 Applicants filed an application in this Court. They prayed for an order to compel Respondent to comply with orders made by the Labour Board of the Export Processing Zones Authority in 2005. The orders by the Board directed Respondent to reinstate Applicants in its employ. Respondent opposed the application. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award issued by Honourable K M Nhongo on 5 December 2013. The award ruled that the appellants were not entitled to the retrenchment package they were seeking, which package was in terms of a determination made by the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare (“the Minister”). The arbitral award ruled that the appellants were, instead, entitled to a retrenchment package in terms of an agreement they had entered into with the respondent, prior to the Minister’s determination. More