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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Respondents were in the employ of the applicant/appellant on fixed term contracts since October 2010. The last such contracts were effective from 1 March to 30 June 2012 and were not renewed. Respondents lodged a claim for unfair dismissal alleging that they had a legitimate expectation to be reengaged. That matter ended up before arbitration where the award was in favour of respondents ordering reinstatement and damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

The appellant is appealing against the arbitral award by Hon Arbitrator N A Mutongoreni dated 27 December 2012. The arbitrator ruled in favour of the respondents by stating that the respondents had been unfairly dismissed. More

On 3rd September 2010 this Court ordered Respondent to reinstate Applicant or pay him damages in lieu of reinstatement. Respondent chose to pay damages. The parties were unable to agree on quantum of the damages. Applicant then filed this application for assessment of damages. Respondent filed opposing papers. The attorneys agreed that the matter be determined on the basis of the documents filed of record. More

The applicant was employed as a meter reader stationed at Wyne Street, Harare. He was charged and convicted of corruption as well as disorderly or objectionable behaviour. He was dismissed from employment and noted an appeal to the Appeals Committee. The appeal was dismissed and he appealed to this court. On 18 March 2016 this court dismissed the applicant’s appeal. On 23 March 2016 the present application was filed. An application of this nature is governed by section 92 F of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] as well as Rule 36 of S I 59/2006. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s Appeals Committee to confirm conviction and the penalty of dismissal of Appellant. Appellant was employed as a meter reader stationed at Wyne Street, Harare. He was charged and convicted of corruption in terms of section 7 (1) (K) (ii) of the NEC for the Energy Industry code As well as disorderly or objectionable behaviour in terms of section 7 (1) (e) (viii) of the same code. He was dismissed from employment as a result. Aggrieved, appellant noted an appeal to the Appeals Committee. More