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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 5 August 2015, which upheld the termination of the appellants’ employment on notice. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 5 August 2015, which upheld the termination of the appellants’ employment on notice. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award granted in respondent’s favour on 22 September 2015. Appellant was employed by respondent as a General Manager on fixed terms stretching from December 2007 to November 2014. The last contract was not renewed. Appellant claims that he had a legitimate expectation that the last contract would be renewed upon expiry. He approached the Ministry of Labour but the issue was not resolved. It was subsequently referred to arbitration. The arbitrator ruled that each specific contract terminated upon its expiry and appellant was entitled only to any outstanding terminal benefits calculated on the... More

Applicant was dismissed from work after a disciplinary hearing held on 27 June 2013. He appeal internally and the appeal was dismissed on 23 July 2013. In terms of Rule 15 (1) of the Labour Court Rules, 2006, Applicant was required to appeal within twenty one (21) days from the date when he received the decision dismissing the internal appeal. Applicant only noted an appeal on 22 October 2013 after the stipulated time. On the same date the Applicant filed the current application for condonation of late noting of appeal. More

This is an application for re-allocation of a quantification matter to a different arbitrator made in terms of Rule 14 of the Labour Court Rules, Statutory Instrument 59 of 2006. More