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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for quantification of damages at the instance of the appellant employee. More

This is an application for rescission of a judgment of the 6 March 2014 by Chivizhe J. Applicant and his representatives of record, the Zimbabwe Furniture Timber and Allied Trade Unions did not turn up for a hearing on the 6 March 2014 which was set down for0900 hours, despite proper service of the notice of set down. In the application before me it is explained that on the day in question the applicant got ill and had severe diarrhoea leading to his attendance at Highlands Clinic. Further it was explained that applicant failed to advise his representatives on time... More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. Applicant intends to appeal to the Supreme Court against part of the Labour Court decision which quantified what was due to the estate of the late Dikinya who was unlawfully dismissed by ZIMNAT on allegations of misconduct. Applicant is however out of time by 14 days to make the leave application hence the instant condonation application. The condonation application is opposed by ZIMNAT. More

The applicants are former employees of the respondent. Their employment contracts were terminated and they challenged the termination. The matter was taken before a designated agent who confirmed termination for all but two of the employees. The decision was appealed to the Labour Court. The appeal was upheld. The respondent did not reinstate the applicants. They approached the designated agent seeking that the respondent be ordered to reinstate the applicants. The respondent raised the preliminary issue of res judicata, arguing that the designated agent had already dealt with the matter. The designated agent held that the matter of reinstatement was... More

Applicant alleges that he was employed by the respondent from 1988 and was promoted to the post of Unit Supervisor with effect from 1 May 1998. Applicant further avers that at one time during the course of employment he suffered from mental illness and had to be absent from work. He further states that when he reported for duty he was assigned to work in a different unit. Applicant further submitted that he was later told to go home and would be called by the respondent. It was stated that despite having reported for duty, respondent continually turned him away... More