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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is a typical case where the wheels of justice grind at a very slow speed indeed. On 6 February 2008 President Kachambwa (as he then was) issued an order for the reinstatement of the applicant with an alternative to be paid damages in lieu of such reinstatement. The respondent thereafter wrote a letter to the applicant stating that he would be reinstated as from 1 October 2008. It is alleged that the applicant did not report for duty as instructed and, the respondent proceeded to hold a disciplinary hearing in the applicant’s absence culminating in his dismissal. The applicant... More

The matter was placed before me as application for review and an appeal against an arbitral award handed down by Honourable B. Chikwana on the 22nd July 2015. On the date of hearing the court raised a point mero-motu. Although the point was not specifically pleaded to by the parties, it is a point of law which the court was entitled to raise as the point goes to the validity of proceedings before the court. The point pertains to the capacity of the Applicant/Appellant to appear before the Court. More

The appellant is alleged to have stopped reporting for duty sometime in 2008. The employer then stopped paying the appellant’s salary because he was not reporting for duty. More

This is an application for rescission of judgment. More

The material background facts to the matter are as follows; the Respondent was employed as a sales representative by Appellant. He was initially hired on a commission basis; a contract of employment was allegedly later signed between Respondent and one Jonathan Dube a farmer employee of the Appellant currently serving a jail term for defrauding the Appellant. More