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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The matter was placed before me as an application for quantification of damages. Although the matter was initially set down for the 26th March, 2012 the matter was postponed for at least four occasions to allow for negotiations with a view to an out of court settlement of the case. On the last date of hearing i.e. 16 October, 2013 the applicant was directed to place before the court proof of his claims for medical aid and school fees. The proof was to be tendered at the latest by the 25th of October, 2013. The respondent was also granted leave... More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of an appeal by Chidhuza (the applicant). The requirements which an applicant has to satisfy in such applications have been clearly stated in numerous cases. These are:- - The degree of non-compliance; - The explanation for the non-compliance; - The importance of the case - The prospects of success in the main matter; - Interest in the finality of the case; - The convenience to the Court and respondent. More

This is an Appeal against the decision of the Minister of Education to dismiss Appellant from employment. More

This is an appeal against the determination of the respondent’s Appeals Committee issued on 11 April 2019, which upheld the appellant’s dismissal from employment. More

On 12 November, 2010, the Applicant won an appeal against his dismissal in this Court. The order per President Musariri was as follows; “1.The appeal is hereby allowed and dismissal of Appellant by Respondent is set aside; 2. Respondent shall conduct fresh disciplinary hearing before a new disciplinary committee and conclude same within thirty (30) days of this order failing which, a) Respondent shall reinstate Appellant without loss of salary and benefits, or b) Respondent shall pay Appellant damages for loss of employment in a sum either agreed by the parties or assessed by this court.” More