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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for review. The applicant who was employed by the respondent as a general manager at its business site in Mozambique was on 21 July 2015 advised that the employer had decided to terminate his contract of employment on notice. More

This is an appeal against an award of the Arbitrator Honourable Viriri handed down on the 19th of May 2016. The appeal is brought in accordance with Section 98(10) of the Labour Act (Chapter 28:01). More

Applicant applied for the review of Respondent’s decision to terminate her employment on notice. She prayed that the decision be set aside. Respondent opposed the application. In due course the matter was set down for hearing. At the onset of oral argument Respondent raised 2 points in limine. I shall deal with the 2nd point which I consider as dispositive of the matter More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Respondent finding the Appellant guilty of misconduct culminating in her dismissal from employment. More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of Heads of Argument. The facts outlined by Wilson Chivaura reveal that Applicant received Respondent’s Heads of Argument on 12 June 2013. Those Heads of Argument were inadvertently misfiled and were only “discovered” on 5 July 2013. Applicant”s Heads of Argument were filed with this Court on the same day, that is, 5 July 2013 and were served on the Respondent on 8 July 2013. More