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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Appellants were employed by the Respondent on fixed term contracts which were periodically renewed. The contracts were terminated and the Designated Agent referred the matter to arbitration. The Arbitrator ruled against the Appellants stating that they were not unlawfully dismissed as their contracts had expired due to effluxion of time. Appellants have approached this Court for relief. More

At the commencement of the hearing, the Parties agreed that the Court could proceed to determine the matter on the papers filed of record as they were of the view that the issues had been sufficiently ventilated in the filed documents. The Court proceeded to determine the matter on the basis of the filed documents. More

The Applicant was employed by the Respondent as a Management Accountant. His employment was terminated in 2001 following a restructuring exercise. Dissatisfied he challenged the termination in this court. On 13 April, 2004 under reference, Edward Gutai Marimo Mudyavanhu vs. Cairns Foods Limited LC/H/35/2004 my sister, Honourable Makamure J found that Applicant was wrongfully dismissed from employment and directed payment in damages in compensation. In 2009 Applicant filed an application for quantification of damages. On 27th May 2009 under judgement reference LC/H/66/2009 Honourable Mhuri J, quantified the total damages payable in the amount of Zimbabwean Dollars $ 26 076 252.00.... More

At the conclusion of the hearing of this appeal I dismissed the appeal in its entirety with costs and indicated that the reasons will follow. These are they:- This is an appeal against the Appeal‘s Committee’s decision which upheld the Disciplinary Committee’s verdict and penalty. More

In this matter the Appellant appealed against an arbitral award handed down on 14th of April 2014. When the parties before me on the date of hearing the Respondent took two points in limine. The court upheld both points in limine and consequently dismissed the appeal. The court indicated that the reasons were to follow. More