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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the determination of the National Employment Council Tobacco Industry Grievance and Disciplinary Committee (GDC), which upheld the dismissal of the appellant from the respondent’s employment. More

Appellant worked for Respondent as a Meat Inspector based at Chivhu General Hospital. He was charged with misconduct (corruption and incompetence). A hearing was held which led to his conviction and dismissal from employment. Appellant appealed against his dismissal but Respondent dismissed the appeal. Appellant then appealed to this Court. More

On the 6th May 2021 at Harare the Designated Agent (DA) A. Masiya made a determination. He ruled that Appellant had been fairly dismissed from employment by Respondent. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the determination . Such an appeal is provided for by Section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. More

This is a judgement in respect of an appeal brought against an arbitral award handed down by the Honourable Mr C Dangarembizi dated 30th January, 2013. More

This is an appeal against the determination of the respondent’s Works Council, which upheld the dismissal of the appellant from employment. The factual background to the matter, briefly outlined, is that the appellant was at the material time employed as a Boiler Operator. On 18 September 2020, he was on duty at the boiler section, operating Boiler Number 2. The boiler had low levels of water when it was being operated. As a result, it overheated and collapsed. The damage cost the company US$120 000 in repairs. More