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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellant was employed as a data capturing clerk by the respondent in July 2005. She rose through the ranks to the position of senior accounts clerk. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Respondent’s Appeals Committee which upheld the dismissal of the Appellant on charges of assaulting a fellow employee. Facts of the case are that, on 30th March 2010 Appellant who was in the employ of the Respondent company as a Quality Assurance Manager came into contact with one Marlon Muponda a General Hand also employed by the Respondent Company in circumstances where it was concluded that she assaulted Marlon. More

This is an application for referral of constitutional issues to the constitutional court in terms of section 175 (4) of the constitution of Zimbabwe, Amendment (No 20) Act, 2013. A brief history of this matter will be necessary to appreciate the nature of the matter that is giving rise to this application. More

The matter was placed before me as an appeal/cross-appeal against an arbitral award handed down by Honourable Mucheche on 28 October, 2010. For convenience the Appellant/Cross-Respondent shall be referred to as Appellant whereas the Respondent/Cross Appellant shall be referred as Respondent. More

The appellant was employed by the respondent as an Accounting Assistant. Following an audit carried out in the department where the appellant worked, he was charged with misconduct in that he had made fraudulent claims to the prejudice of the respondent. He was brought before a disciplinary committee which found him guilty and recommended his dismissal from employment. The appellant has appealed to this court against the decision to dismiss him. More