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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Respondent was employed by the appellant bank as a bank teller. She was charged for failure to comply with standing instructions or follow established procedures resulting in a substantial loss to the Bank. This was a violation of Category D (17) of the applicable Code.Disciplinary proceedings were conducted against her and she was dismissed. The facts of the case arethat the respondent approved a transaction, and in terms of the standing instructions she referred the client to the next appropriate bank employee. Thereafter the client or the application was referred to her superiors. The superior approved a withdrawal of forty... More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award dated 7 January 2013 the operative part of which reads as follows: “1. The Respondent did not commit an unfair labour practice by not renewing Claimant’s contract. 2. Claimant’s claim of unfair dismissal is therefore dismissed for lack of merit.” More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s disciplinary authority which dismissed appellant following misconduct charges of stealing some number plates and 3rd plates from his workplace in contravention of the Public Service Regulations 2000 as amended. More

This is an application for confirmation of a draft ruling in terms of section 93 of the Labour Act, (Chapter 28:01), as amended. More

The parties to the dispute were engaged in an employer employee relationship. The relationship ended and the employee approached the Labour officer with a claim of failure by the employer to pay notice pay, leave days, compensation for off days and public holidays see page 18 of the record which is the complaint form. More