This is an appeal for a matter heard in terms of the National Code, S.I. 15 of 2006. The appeal was filed on the 23rd of October 2023. This was after the promulgation of Amendment Act No 11 of 2023. This amendment amended subsection (5) of Section 101. The amendment is to the effect that a party aggrieved by a ruling at the workplace or the process may appeal to a labour officer. Instead of doing so the appellant appealed directly to the Labour Court. A point in limine on the impropriety of the procedure was taken. More
This is an application for the confirmation of a ruling by a labour officer in terms of section 93 (5) of the Labour Act as amended. The facts giving rise to this application are that the 2nd respondent (“the employee”) approached a labour officer after conciliation had failed in a matter where she claimed that the first respondent (the employer) had terminated her employment irregularly on notice. After hearing both parties on the matter the applicant (labour officer) ruled that indeed the employee’s employment had been terminated irregularly. In the result she ordered that the employee be reinstated to her... More
This is an application for the confirmation of a draft ruling made by the applicant in relation to a dispute between the 1st and 2nd respondents who are the substantive parties in this matter.
The 1st respondent employed the 2nd respondent on a fixed term contract basis as the head of its finance and administration. More
On the 25th April 2023 at Harare, applicant in his capacity as a Labour Officer, issued a ruling. He ordered 1st respondent (employer) to pay 2nd respondent (employee) an amount of US12,000-00 as damages for unlawful termination of employment. Apparently, the employer did not comply with the ruling. Then applicant applied to this Court for the confirmation of his ruling in terms of section 93(5a) of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 hereafter called the Act. More
This is an application for confirmation of a draft ruling made by a Labour Officer in terms of section 93 (5a) (a) and (b) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] [The Act]. An order confirming the application was made. Reasons were to follow. More