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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The matter was referred to me for determination on the record in terms of Section 89 (2)(9)(i) of the Labour Act [Cap 28 : 01]. The matter had been filed in 2014 but was lying idle due to failure on the part of the Appellant to settle sheriff’s costs for services of Notice to Set- down. The Senior Judge through a directive dated 3rdOctober 2016 directed these matters be referred for determination on the record. More

The appellant worked for the respondent as an Administrator at Chiredzi. He was charged with misconduct. After a hearing he was dismissed from employment on the 13th May 2013. Thereafter he filed an application for review in this Court. The respondent opposed the application. More

This is an application for the upliftment of the bar operating against Applicant and condonation of late filing of heads of argument. In terms of Rule 19(1) of the Labour Court Rules 2006 Statutory Instrument 59 of 2006 (The Rules), a party who is to be represented by a legal practitioner is obliged to file heads of argument, for an applicant within 14 days of receiving the notice of response to the application. The response was filed on the 22nd July, 2013 and Respondent’s Heads of Argument were filed on 9th September, 2013. More

This is an appeal against the decision of an Arbitrator sitting at Chiredzi. More

This is an application for stay of execution of an arbitral award issued on 12 January 2011. The application was filed on 28 October 2013, the same day the notice of appeal was filed. The applicant contends that the respondents are desirous of enforcing the award by the Honourable Dangarembizi in terms of the quantification award dated 26 March 2012. The applicant further contends that it will suffer irreparable prejudice if the respondents are allowed to execute on the award. More